Kia ora koutou e te whanau
Tuhia ki te rangi
Tuhia ki te whenua
Tuhia ki te ngakau o te tangata
Ko te mea nui
Ko te aroha
Tihei (wa) Mauri Ora!
Ko Otupawhero toku Maunga
Ko Taumarere toku awa
Ko Ngati manu toku Marae
Ko Ngatokimatawhaorua toku Waka
Ko Ngati manu toku hapu
Ko Ngapuhi toku iwi
Ko Sam toku papa
Ko Kelly toku mama
Ko Luke Dent toku ingoa
No reira tena koutou tena koutou tena koutou katoa.
You have a lot of tauparapara in there Luke, you could probably reduce it down to just your favourite one before starting your pepeha :)